Mission Statement

Why We Do What We Do

Millions of children in sub-Saharan Africa go hungry every day. More than 239 million live in homes that cannot afford enough food to feed their families.

Africa is often portrayed as a continent with an abundance of natural resources. While Africa undoubtedly has the most mineral resources ever known to man, there is a wide gap between the haves and have-nots. As a result, hunger in Africa affects not just adults but children as well, a problem that must be addressed.

Consequences of Childhood Hunger In Africa.

When children are undernourished, they experience physical and psychological effects. These can spread to their communities when hunger goes on for some time. Here are a few examples…

The problem Statement

We will not have raised our standard of living to the level we desire if we ignore the development and education of future generations. One example that should concern us all is child hunger, which remains endemic despite decades of progress in reducing poverty around the world.

We hope to encourage more people to recognize this as a community issue and national crisis, not just something that affects certain families or classes.

The old proverb that it takes a village to raise a child is not without merit. As individuals, we can only give so much. As a community, our joint effort can help to create even greater change.
Join Us To Feed The African Kids

Each of us has strengths to offer in the fight against childhood hunger in Africa. Whatever yours may be, there is a way you can help ensure that every child gets healthy food on a daily basis.